Date: Oslo, 27th January 2014 The following primary insiders of Ocean Yield (or their related parties as indicated below) have subscribed for shares in Ocean Yield ASA * Lars Solbakken, CEO, has (through his wholly owned company Finmarine AS) subscribed for 322 201 new shares in Ocean Yield ASA (the "Company") at a subscription price of NOK 27.76 per share. After the subscription, Lars Solbakken owns 540 284 shares in the Company (All shares are owned indirectly through the wholly owned company Finmarine AS). * Eirik Eide, CFO, has subscribed for 36 023 new shares in Ocean Yield ASA (the "Company") at a subscription price of NOK 27.76 per share. After the subscription, Eirik Eide owns 83 528 shares in the Company. * Axel M. Busch-Christensen, VP Investments, has subscribed for 7 204 new shares in Ocean Yield ASA (the "Company") at a subscription price of NOK 27.76 per share. After the subscription, Axel M. Busch- Christensen owns 25 130 shares in the Company. The subscription was made as part of the Company's management incentive scheme. The subscription price equals the closing share price of the Ocean Yield share at 30th December 2013, less a discount of 20%, reflecting that the shares have a lock-up period of three years. The share price as of close 30th December 2013 was NOK 34.70. The issued share capital, post the capital increase, will amount to NOK 1,341,489,420 divided into 134,148,942 shares having a par value of NOK 10.00. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.